yes Yes India to maar khaa gaya!!
but please note....
I will also wait only 14mins 30 secs..... then I will go!!!
Its good to see that there are still people who follow IST for what it is... I can so relate to this post and it reminds of all those minutes I have waited and waited just cos I was there in time.
Good one mate... Have a nice evening.. Cheers..
Punctuality. Oh well, I find that missing a lot, especially in India. Maybe that's how we are conditioned into?? The chaltha hain attitude or whatever. But yeh I do feel you on this post.
Oh maan! I am so guilty of the IST synfrome.. funnily back in India I wasnt. But after I came to CA, when we are invited to dinner, it somehows becomes half an hr later, because we know the host and hostess will be in the same situation, we were when we invited them home! :)But I'm trying to change now!
Haaaaaaaaaaaan! I have often told my phirang friends that I will arrive according to Indian Standard Time and they know that I am going to arrive late. Aadat se majboor. Buri aadat, I know!
Solitaire: At least you inform ppl that your going to be late, unlike ppl here who don't even bother to inform that they are going to be late
great post SMM!
I hv written abt this long time ago, the day after a mate stood me up for abt an hour? yeah I was seriously pissed off.
I hate being stood up and nah I wont tolerate it. Cos to me, punctuality is VERY IMP. It shows wut kinda person u r too. It portrays ur personality and the way u do things in life.
keshi: I totally agree. If your going to be late and don't have the courtesy to inform the other person, then that really reflects badly on you as a person.
yes! And he didnt even give me a call or send me a txt for 60 long mins? I finally gave up (with my cheeks red in anger) and rang him up..and wut did he say...he's running a LITTLE late!
I left.
Oh for tht matter i hate ppl who dont respect time. I hav a bad habit of reaching the said place 5-10 mins prior to the time promised. And i do this despite knowing tht ppl wud turn up at their own sweet will!but i m glad atleast ppl around me respect time. My guy does and so does my family!
i guess punctuality has lost its shine with the 'times' of india launching all over india ;)
well, was that a bad pj??? ;)
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